Friday, May 6, 2011

Back From The Dead..

...With some exciting news!
Last week saw the release of the official STREET TEAM COMIC!!!!
What's the Street Team Comic you ask? Well Silly, it's a collaborative comic book cross-over event, created by myself and 5 other independent creators, that features the team up of 5 unique vigilante characters. Click on the link below for a 5 page preview of the book, then go order yourself a copy...or 5(may as well keep the theme going).

I'm excited cause this is the result of a lot of work. Not only did I ink the book, I co-wrote it, did edits, and provided the penciled and inked cover art. Shout out to all my Street Team creators though, who made it all possible.

But there's even more news: we didn't just stop at the comic. Nooo! We're currently developing THE STREET TEAM VIDEO GAME!! And we would like your help. Please check us out at IndieGogo where you can donate to our fundraiser AND receive cool stuff for doing so. With your help we can raise enough money to finish making the game and get it into your eager paws.

So that's it for now. Stay tuned for more updates and thanks in advance for your support.

Hoo-zah for the Indy Artist!


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