Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wizard Philly Con PT1

It's been too long. Let's become friends again shall we?

I just want to let everyone know I'll be appearing at the Wizard Convention here in Philly, from Friday June 17-19th, at table 1502, and I can't wait. might as well say table 1504 as well because my boy Maurice Mander will be there debuting the property we've been working on: Surian Seed.
Yes, slowly but surely the initial release book is coming to a close. The Surian Seed book will be a Universe Guide, giving in-depth bios and facts about the Surian Seed World, similar to those classic Marvel ones I grew up on. And not the corny ones in the mid-to-late nineties where everyone was standing like a child's paper cutout...OR the ones soulless encyclopedic rehashes of recent years..I'm talking classic John Byrnes covers bay-bee!


But I digress. Check out Surian Seed at:!/SurianSeed  for lots more info, character snippets, and of course, artwork. Now of course I want you to go to the FB page and like us, tell a friend or two, etc,etc, but I also wouldn't want to recycle the same art here too. Since this is my personal blog I want to share some exclusive stuff with YOU, the person who's taking time to read my long-windiness. Here's a behind the scene concept sketches for you.

Nothing major, just some skribbles. But once we actually get done with the COMIC, this guy will play a HUGE role.
Aside from Surian Seed stuff, at the con I'll be debuting some more products I'm stoked to speak on, but I guess I'll talk more about that tomorrow.

Shiz, aka M.D. Geist

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