Friday, October 28, 2011

New Beginnings Pt2

Lesson Learned: Let business be business.

In other words, in this industry, you have to make sure you protect yourself. And this was made evident when a project I was a part of came to an end because I didn't handle the business side first. The project was called Surian Seed, and while I won't get into details about what caused the split, I will say this --and I mean this from the bottom of my heart-- I am forever grateful things happened the way they did. It's said "if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger", and right about now I could chase an intangible mutant through a bunch of walls.
I know life will teach me many more painful lessons, and I look forward to them all.

But guess what, my headaches are your gain, cause I'm all about here are 5 little tidbits Ive learnt that I want to share with you guys:

1) If it's an extensive project, sign a contract first!
2) Never assume the other person is going to have your best interest at heart
3) If you know something is wrong, stand up for yourself
4) Always be prepared for the wost. Even if the person says "don't worry about money, I'll pay for dinner", keep some cash in your sock.
5) Follow your instincts.

These are just a few of the things I learned from working on the departed Surian Seed project. It's done and I'm moving on. A shame too cause I really liked the design work I did on these. You guys be the judge.

Color work by Walter Otslie, Renee Clarke and James Mason


  1. Damn thos are sick! Can't wait to work with you on the Tatts!

  2. I will probably always follow your artwork. Your vision is an inspiration to me, and my children, I guarantee you, will know your work. I'm sorry to hear that you split with Surian Seed, but I remember Infinite from your application to Stan Lee's hero contest: I fell in love with Infinite then, long before the Seed. I am obviously enamored with the characters, each of which you've depicted (in my humble opinion) perfectly. Rasaman is the long term goal for a cosplay. Peace, and much love to ya.


  3. Thanks Sol...I would say I can't wait either but I'm not sure who I'm responding to. lol

  4. Justin- thank you for the love fam, much appreciated. Don't worry about the Surian Seed thing, it was for the best. If you liked thoses characters, stay tuned for the other projects I have on the shelf plus my own original characters.

  5. Its Fran who wants the dragon tattoo! From NYC comic con with lil Miss Genesis!

  6. As an artist myself, I encourage you to focus on your original characters. If you must, hire writers and business people to help YOU instead of the other way around. We gotta make our mark by any means!

  7. First, great and awesome design work as usual. This is the first time I've actually had an opportunity to see some of the designs. You've learned a valuable lesson. I often consult various clients to take care of the business first, just so that everyone is on the same page. Stay strong and always Stay Creative.

  8. Well said Sensei, very well said indeed

  9. man I love it. The art is always beautiful but this time the colors caught me too! great work.

  10. Oohhhhh...Hey Fran. lol Now I can genuinely say I can't wait to work on the tatts either. lol

  11. Samax- Wise words my artistic brother. Can't wait to delve deeper into my creator owned property. It'll be spinning out of the Street Team project.

  12. Pharaoh- Live and learn as they say. Muchos gracias for the love.

    Mike- Always growing man.

    Omar- Glad you like. And yes, some great colorists blessed my work. Hats off to them.

  13. That's what's up. We have to make our mark. It's what we were given these gifts for!
