Thursday, April 19, 2012

C2E2 Wrapup and Pittsburgh

Well, my first C2E2 has come and gone and I loved it. Fricking loved it!
If I have any complaint it would be that it was too many great artists there and I barely got around to see 10% of it. I did manage to snag a few gems in the form of Eric Canete's sketchbook "Chocolate" and Echo Chernix's artbook(both HIGHLY recommended). I meet up with some Chicago friends and made some new ones. So many people to shoutout but off the top of my head I have to say thanks and praise to Joe Currie, Wallie Ostlie, Afromation, James, Cory, Aminah, Jeremy, Ashley, Yuri, Terry, Eric, and tons other. Thanks to everyone who supported and who patiently waited for a commission.
Here're some pics from the show.

My casual "look away I didn't know the camera was there" look.

My fellow Street Team-er on the left, Joe Currie. aka That Strictly kid.

l-r Mshindo Artist extraordinaire, Leia pic bombing, and Terry Huddleston- Master of the convention. 

My Chi-town peeps

Working that table.

That's damn right, on the bus getting my hustle on.

Sometimes you gotta get physical with this art.

This is what it's about.


Once I get a camera again I'll be on my pic grind a little harder.
Anyways, thanks for checking me out. The Pittsburgh Convention is this weekend, and as I type this I still have to finish pack, so I'll sign off and see you guys next time.



"Bub, I'm a modern day Weapon X, sonic weapons flexed/
A warrior monk with a sideways 8 etched on his larynx..."- Geist


  1. Yes. can't wait to see you and your amazing work man! Alec B.

  2. I was so inspired by your work and your inviting community spirit. You helped to make my first C2E2 experience a joy. Thank you!

  3. Peace, don't worry about the pics bruh. I can be your tour photographer for a great cost. Hit me. LOL. It was great seeing you. We didn't get to hang but next time...

  4. Whadup Alec.
    Dee, I'm so glad we meet.
    Pharaoh, a true pleasure as always.
