Thursday, February 14, 2019

NuPerspective Black History Month: Day 14- ICON

So as promised, along with the daily re-release of characters posted from last year's Nu-Perspective, you're also going to get 2 NEW characters dropping in their bi-weekly slot. And once February is done that's the schedule we will keep.
And today's brand new character is the Milestone Comic's top superhero ICON!

Icon seemed like the perfect character to revamp during Black History Month, and I'm hoping he will one day get a new series to showcase how he's so much more than a "black Superman". Enjoy our take!

Real Name: Arnus / Augustus Freeman I-IV
Current Alias: Icon
Occupation: Attorney, Philanthropist, Activist, Humanitarian
Place of Birth: Terminus planet
Base of Operations: Dakota City
Affiliations: Heroes; The Cooperative
First Appearance: Icon #1 (1993)
Original Creators: Dwayne McDuffie, Denys Cowan, M.D Bright

Story: A prominent intergalactic arbitrator and member of the Cooperative, the extraterrestrial Arnus was on an interstellar cruise liner that was sabotaged by the genocidal nihilist and sociopath Kali’kak (aka Oblivion) whom he had just sentenced to prison. Forced to flee in an escape pod, the space craft crash landed on Earth in the year 1839. Adopting the genetic makeup of a slave woman who found him, Arnus’ physiology was changed to that of an African infant. Raised by the slave woman, Arnus grew up in colonial America. Due to his alien heritage, Arnus outlived his Earthly contemporaries for almost two centuries, adopting the name Augustus Freeman, and his subsequent “descendants”. In that time, he accumulated considerable wealth and education, eventually in present day becoming a successful attorney and even founding his own affluent law firm. Due to a code of non-interference with under-developed civilizations and very functionalist mentality, he lived a relatively passive, highly conservative and reclusive life. That was until he was confronted by a young idealist and reformed thief named Raquel Ervin, who inspired him to use his superhuman abilities as a symbol to the people of Dakota and become the superhero “Icon”. For over a decade he championed as Icon, although he was reluctant to work alongside other Dakota superheroes or be an aspiring leader. Eventually, word came that his clone Arnus II became corrupted by the diabolical machinations of his arch-nemesis, Oblivion, and had become “the Adjudicator”, wreaking havoc across chartered space. To protect his adopted world, Icon left Earth to deal with the matter, seemingly abandoning Dakota and humanity to their own devices. Having quelled the crisis in outer space, Icon returns to Earth five years later, where he finds Dakota City caught within the grips of a second violent metahuman outbreak and rampant chaos. Realizing his idle participation in humanity’s progress was doing no good, Icon liberally exercises his rights, privileges and gifts to help those in need, even if it means putting himself in opposition to the law he once upheld as infallible and absolute. He has even consolidated Dakota’s noble metahumans as the leader of the crime-fighting team known simply as “Heroes” (a second iteration of a former, debunked Dakota superhero team). But Icon’s boldness may come at an unexpected and high price by the invisible hands of the mastermind Dharma, and his reunified clandestine group, the Shadow Cabinet. Regardless, Icon will no longer be a spectator to mankind’s self-destructive course, or limit himself to neighborhood crimes, but instead wants think global, and to reinvigorate the passion in humanity towards unity and unabashed goodness as a shining beacon the world can look up to; a glimmering paragon, a trueIcon”.

Powers/Abilities: Arnus’ Terminian DNA affords him an extraordinarily long lifespan by human standards. Despite having lived on Earth for almost 200 years, and being a mature adult prior for untold solar cycles, Arnus is only now showing signs akin to a man in his mid to late 40s. He also appears to be able to survive without conventional sustenance or oxygen (at least for inhuman periods) When the space pod, as a preservation mechanism for its occupant, scrambled and re-assimilated Arnus’ DNA to mimic humans in physiology, it endowed him with paramount levels of superhuman strength, speed, senses and nigh-impervious durability (the upper limits of which have not been explored). Icon is also capable of self-propelled flight up to high-hypersonic speeds. He also possesses a remarkable healing factor to regenerate from non-fatal wounds in seconds and re-grow lost limbs. Icon’s body can also absorb, store and discharge positrons through his eyes or hands at varying degrees of intensity. This power can be used to generate highly resilient energy force fields either around himself or other persons or objects to entrap them. He can also discharge a low-level wide-area burst of these positrons to generate a “field of awareness” or a “sixth sense”, though this has to be a conscious effort. He can also discharge a high level version for a concussive omnidirectional wave of energy. In addition he can shape this positron energy into various constructs. Arnus also possesses an exhaustive knowledge of history, law and the legal system, of not only America, but the Cooperative as well. Icon has even trained in various self-defense martial arts.

Paraphernalia: Icon’s costume is composed of unstable molecules that become constituted around his body and clothes on mental command from the alien device known as “The Maker”. The Maker can rearrange molecules and materialize any object imaginable. The limitations of which are only the availability of the ambient raw elements to create the object and that only one object it creates can exist at a time. The spacecraft lifepod that brought him to Earth has also been retrofitted for combat capabilities and sub-luminous interplanetary flight, but by galactic standards it’s a relic. Icon also possesses an “Info Tool”, a highly sophisticated A.I. bordering on sentience which is a repository and compendium of intergalactic knowledge and information housed in Icon’s ship that can connect mentally with its user. Due to his long and successful career as an attorney, Augustus has access to a vast fortune.

NB: Although Augustus participated in the Civil War and all subsequent American wars up to World War II, he has since changed his attitude towards military service, even though he agrees with its functionality and purpose for any society.

NB: While Arnus is in fact an extra-terrestrial, due to the emancipation proclamation, he is a legal US citizen. 

Q&A with Fabian and Shawn 

What do you like most about the original character? Fabian: Icon was, let’s face it, Black Superman, and although I didn’t get into Milestone when it came out, it was an admirable attempt to incorporate the world’s first superhero with a Nubian twist.
Shawn: I liked the re-imagining of the classic Superman origins. It was a nice twist..a twist I often reference when teaching my character creation workshop.  

What made you choose this character?- Fabian: He’s named Icon and is a forgotten/lesser known Black superhero. I think a lot of people saw him as a “rip off” and comic book readers weren’t a forgiving bunch in the overly saturated 90s. It was kind of a no-brainer, but Shawn and I ultimately went with highlight the lesser known sidekick Rocket first.
Shawn: I feel as though Icon is a super underrated character that can go from being a "cool" character to also being an IMPORTANT character for Nubian people. He is a polished, well developed shining example of what a positive Nubian character can be, but his stories afforded the opportunity for some great social commentary. I think he never took cause he suffered from the "Cyclops" treatment of being portrayed as boring.

In regards to the story aspect of the update, what was your main inspiration for the direction?-
Fabian: As a flagship comic of the debunked Milestone Imprint, it was being both reverential and progressive with the character. That meant both his story and look. I kind of went with a “Superman Returns” theme I felt poignant for someone as… “iconic” as this character. He needed to come back, but he could not do the same things the same way. He needed to really live up to that moniker on every level.
Shawn: Fabian did the heavy lifting with this one and I completely love his take. My addition to the story was to give him the global large scale angle. From reading up on his back story it pained me that this super powerful character with so many sci-fi aspects to his story and potentially great storylines was regulated only to the hoods. 

Did this character resonate with you in anyway? – Sad to say no. Even when I went back to his comic. Maybe it was timing or some other factor; but I’d hope that with Nu-Perspective, he does resonate, if not more.
Shawn: I sadly feel the same way. I recognize the potential of the character, but I never sought out his title when Milestone first dropped the way I sought out their other comics. Not to pat ourselves on the back too much, but I'm really feeling our Nu-Perspective take though. I would read it. lol

Did the character pose a challenge to update and if so what was the hardest part of the redesign?- Shawn: For me it was how to make a costume that incorporated all those colors seamlessly. Although black and white I know it will eventually be colored and I had to keep that in mind.  
In hindsight is there anything you would do differently now? - Shawn: I wish I had added his energy flare.

What IS Nu-Perspective you ask? Well, it's a bi-weekly column I started with my writing collaborator Fabian Wood with the purpose of revamping and updating different underdeveloped, underutilized and all-but-forgotten Nubian (black) comic book and pop culture characters.

Fine Print: Nu-Perspective is a column focused on revamps and updates of various underdeveloped, underutilized and all-but-forgotten Nubian (black) characters specifically. We aim to showcase these chosen characters in fresh, contemporary and exciting ways both visually and story-wise to show just how awesome they can truly be. All characters are copyrights and trademarks of the respective publishers and creators. This column is used solely for artistic enjoyment.

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