Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5th Annual Youth Art Exhibition

Last week I announced 5th Annual Youth Art Exhibition that was held on Friday, May 18th.  
(Click here for the last blog: http://shawnah-lean.blogspot.com/2012/05/i-believe-children-are-our-future.html )
The show included students showcasing the results of my 10 week "Comic Book Character Development Course" at Orange Korner Arts, in association with the Ayuda Community Center. The Center provides After School workshops which include music, painting, and more. As I stated last time, this is the fourth time I've taught this course around Philly now, first through Congreso, now privately. And with half the amount of time and resources available to other classes I’ve taught, these young people developed some amazing characters and stories. They're an amazing group of kids I had the fortune of teaching. Their personalities rang through in every stroke of the pencil, and I’m proud to share my humble renditions of some the kid's characters as well as some pics from the show.

Oh, we were also able to get the book done, and I have to say special thanks to Mr. Kamau Mshale, who came through at the13th hour and saved my butt. I can't thank him enough. Kamau also has his own comic out, and you can check his work at these sites:

or contact him here: kamau.mshale@gmail.com

Also, special, special thanks to the Orange Korner Arts Director Michaelanne Harriman, the lady who runs the show, hired me, and allowed me to be a part of this wonderful organization.

"Connor" created by Gabriel Bangert age 11(colored by James Mason)

"Anevay" created by Adi Mendez age 14 (colored by Renee Clarke)

"Sarah Walker" created by Julie-Ann Perez age 16 (colored by Renee Clarke)

The finished book containing all the kid's stories and characters. The name of the group they formed is the Ghost Society", named after a rebellious futuristic military crew.

 "Orange Korner Arts, located at 4401 N. 7th St., enrolls youth from Hunting Park ages 10-18 in art classes of all mediums providing safe, creative space everyday after school. OKA is a program of Ayuda Community Center. Find out more at www.ayudacc.org."

Thanks for checking me out.


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