Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"I Believe The Children Are Our Future..."

For the last 10 weeks I've been teaching my Comic Book Character Development Course at Orange Korner Arts, in association with the Ayuda Community Center. The Center provides After School workshops which include music, painting, and more. This Friday, May 18th, sees the culmination of this semester's work with the "5th Annual Youth Art Exhibition". The show is from 6:30pm-8:30pm, and will be held at the Esperanza Health and Wellness Center @ 4417 Nth 6th St. Admission is only $10 and FREE to anyone under 18. My students will be there showcasing their work as well as talking about the characters they developed. 

This is the fourth time I've taught this course now, and with half the amount of time and resources available to other classes I’ve taught, these young people developed some amazing characters. They're an amazing group of kids I had the fortune of teaching. Their personalities ring through in every stroke of the pencil, and I’m proud to be able to share their work with you all.

 "Orange Korner Arts, located at 4401 N. 7th St., enrolls youth from Hunting Park ages 10-18 in art classes of all mediums providing safe, creative space everyday after school. OKA is a program of Ayuda Community Center. Find out more at"

Check out my humble renditions of some of the kid's characters.

"Tiger Woman" Created by Amelia Cortes age 11 (colored by Renee Clarke)

"Seth" created by Josiah Perez age 11 (colored by Sha-Nee Williams)

"Superkid" created by Keithon Robinson age 14 (colored by Sha-Nee Williams)

"Shockwave" Created by Jacob Ramos age 11 (colored by James Mason)

Come out and join the festivities if you can.



  1. This is awesome what you are doing to help nurture the talent of these youth. I applaud you brother!

  2. I wish I could be there. These kids are fabulous! You are a richman Shawn and I am happy to see you share it with the future. Bravo Sir!

  3. Hey Hero, I'm just honored to be a vessel to help these kids separate themselves from all the maliciousness that's out there. I wish I had started my art career at a younger age, so if this helps, my job is done.

  4. Thank you for the kind words Dee.
