Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Debut Posters

Almost that time. And I have a couple more pieces of art I want to share with you guys.

First up, the new Green Lantern piece I'll have available. It's a companion piece to my Sinestro FEAR one, and eventually I plan to do the whole spectrum of Lanterns.

GL:Hal Jordan WILL (colors by Renee Clarke)

Next up we a piece I'll be trying out. This started off as a sketch commission for someone, then took a life of it's own. I'm curious to see how this one will do as it's not an established character, but something I designed. 
Fantasy Werewolf (colors by Matt Seel)

Anyways, I hope you like.

See you tomorrow as Wizard World starts.


"Twilight Zone type symmetry...Night Gallery, painting vividly visual schizo-imagery/
Seeking alternate forms of energy/ A technomancer, master of the art of MECHA-scorcery..."- Geist