Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Up From The 36 Chambers.."

What's up peeps, it's been FOREVER! I can't even begin to talk about all of the ups and downs that I've been through since last I updated my blog. But so what, we're reunited and that's what counts.

So I guess the first bit of news would be to let you guys know that this Saturday is The Hershey Comic Con.
This is the first show for these guys, and I'm proud to say I will be one of the presenters doing my Character Design Workshop. Stay tuned for upcoming pics.
In the meantime, here's a new print I will have at the show..Blanka

And the black and whites...

But wait, there's more. As a way of saying "I'm back" and to show how much I love you guys, here's an EXCLUSIVE look at another one of my newest prints I will have at the show..Black Cat

This is just for you subscribers, and you won't be seeing this print anywhere else online for a while.

Now, the other big news I would like to share, is that I have finally begun serious work on publishing my own character. The character is called Aizan, and you may have seen her pic in my gallery before, but I'll soon be making official Aizan blogs. I will have some exciting updates in just a few short days, so keep those eyes peeled.

That's it for always, thank you guys for your incredible feedback, your support, your comments, even the critiques... everything you do that makes me keep striving. Even if I don't get a chance to update or respond as often as I like, I do read everything.


"They saying the monster's back...!" - Geist

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see you back in action fam. Keep perfecting that craft of yours! What happened to your character from Street Team?
