I can't believe it's been over a month since I updated this blog. Where does the time go? Well, seeing as how there're earthquakes, hurricanes, more Drake songs and all kinds of other nasty shit signalling the end world is nigh, I guess I should post while the postings good.
Let's start with my trip to Wizard World Chicago a couple of weeks ago.
My trip was by train....advertised as 17hrs I felt that would be a cake-walk. |
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25 hrs later I finally reached my destination. My boy Joe Currie, fellow Street Team creator in the middle and Bryce, another artist I met on the train is on the right. | | |
Outside in Chi-town. |
After meeting some friends it was to my boy's house to pick up my con merchandise and then off to the con. |
After the bus we had to take another train. |
How far IS this damn convention? |
Ahhh..finally, the goal is in site...Rosemont Con Center. |
I've never done a show where there was a preview night. The line was already around the Center and it's only Thursday night. |
Here we go..time to get to work. |
We were late getting there..you can't see my face but I was already feeling flustered. |
Ok...last minute checks... |
And I'm ready to do this!! |
The next 2 days were a blur... |
Tons of people with cool outfits... |
I love when co-players dress as lesser noticed characters. How sick is this Jubilee? |
Although this Batman is pretty awesome as well. |
By the time I knew it it was Friday night and we were having at this Cajun restaurant(no Gambit though). All of those were different hot sauces I believe. |
Then a little Chicago night-life. |
Oh...My...God!! Amazing!! I'm in love! |
And before you know it it was time to be at the show again. After (kinda) meeting one legend, I got to meet another in the form of the mighty Geoff Darrow...and I was sitting behind him at the show!!! That look is me resisting leaping into his arms. |
But now I'm back with my boys I can be a little more gansta. |
Bryce came back to support that Street Team banger...and you should too. |
Then, the blur occurred... |
2 more days of awesome people... |
Like this T2 robot... |
...Yun and X-23 |
Cool people like the Chicago gaming ladies Sugar Gamers. |
Fellow creators Yorli Huff, Jiba Anderson, Ashley, aannndddd..I forget..but she provided some awesome cookies. |
Akuma..posing right in front of my StreetFigher Ryu piece. |
Ravenger... |
A centaur with a cooler for an ass |
Gaara and.... |
Green Man! |
Steampunk twist on Harley and Ivy.. |
Batman's rouges.. |
Some more Bat family... |
GL! |
Sub-zero... |
Model for my boy's book..her abs are no joke! |
Had to do a Green Goblin sketch and had no reference...till a guy walks past wearing a Spider-Man shirt. |
And here's my quick sketch. |
Shoutout to my boy Jason Metcalf, mega-talented and super nice artist who sat across from me at the show. |
And Naruto. |
Then..finally...it was Sunday...I tell you, a 4 day con is a marathon.. |
So I stopped of at Dunkin for my newest addiction, a Dunkinchino. Only thing was, this was the saddest version of a 'Chino I ever saw. I'm going to take a pic of a Philly version so you can see the difference. |
My next door con neighbor Dusty who really hooked me up at the show. |
And then it was back to the crowd... |
Sold my Batman banner. |
The baddest ladies at the show.. |
Omega sketch I did.. |
For a helluva cool guy. And that brought the con to a close. |
So it was off to a wrap-up dinner at a nearby restaurant. No deep dish pizza to my regret..just some of the worst chicken parm I have EVER had! |
But no fear, my Chicago culinary experience was not a complete bust...I messed up and missed my train back. So my boy took me out that Monday to see the city and get some breakfast. |
From this AMAZING spot called Tempo's. |
COME ON!..LOOK AT THAT! Highly recommended. |
After a grandslam breakfast it was off to the famous Water Tower on Magnificent Mile. |
Where they had the brilliant Lego store with some amazing displays. |
Then is was off to see my girl in the light..Beautiful. |
Then off to The Bean, some kinda alien spacecraft sculpture. |
Then to these creepy Stanley Kubrick 2001 Space Odyssey type things. |
Topped off by an ice-cream at the park. Spectacular. |
And then home. A grueling 35HOUR(!!!) experience I shall never repeat if I can help it. Thanks for the free "giftbox" of crackers and chicken salad Amtrak. The journey was made better with reading of my friend's book Sunny. An amazing book I'll be talking about in another blog. | | | | | | | |
So there you have it..another con successfully wrapped up. Once again I learned alot, got to see another city, and had a sensational time. I had tons more pics but I didn't want to bore you guys. Next up will be pics from my Baltimore trip.
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